What makes PUBG so addictive | especially among teen agers in 2020

The question that often comes to our mind that what makes PUBG so addictive ?  The answer of this question is simple :
1. Design : PUBG is designed in such a way that your eyes will kept watching even only in its first use. It really attracts the user so much.

2. Social communication : It is the only first game in the world which enables a user to communicate with his friends that are on the social media platforms like Facebook.

3. Graphics : The graphics of this game are really very amazing. It seems like that we are in a different real world of battle.

4. Emojis : The emojis or the funny moves in this game makes it completely different from other games. People generally used to fun while playing PUBG.

5. Advertisement : The developer's of PUBG are continuously advertising this game in such away that even if you don't want to play this game it means you are an old fashioned person.

6 Temporary relief : As per a report from doctors, PUBG is more dangerous to the user more than drugs, and in some of the reports this game is also mentioned as "silent killer".
Generally, people used to feel a temporary relief from the outside world while playing PUBG. They don't know how this game is going to be fatal to them.

So, it is the need of an hour to stop getting addicted to it otherwise, it will be too late.

Also read " how to stop playing pubg - a real life event "

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