Top 10 tourist places in Kashmir | Kashmir tourism 2020

Everyone knows that if there is any paradise present on earth, it is Kashmir. Yes, the valley which is surrounded by mighty beautiful Himalayan mountains from all its side. Kashmir is also known as "Resh waer" a Kashmir word which means the place of priests. Here are the 10 beautiful places in Kashmir that you need to visit once in your lifetime. These are : 1. Gulmarg 2. Tulip garden 3. Dal lake, srinagar 4. Pehalgam 5. Nishat bhag, srinagar 6. Pari mehal, srinagar 7. Verinag spring 8. Betaab valley 9. Mughal garden, Achabal 10. Kokernag garden These places are choosen in such a way that they also cover their nearby beautiful places. Likes and comments are warmly welcomed Author.